What can not be doubted is that electronic cigarettes today are fashionable, although it all depends on the country, there are varied and different strategies to make a good marketing of this product, being the most important and used worldwide the help and benefit it provides to the smoker of conventional cigarettes to try to quit the vice and all motivated to that has been proven its safety on health.
When we talk about electronic cigarettes we are referring to a device whose main objective is to deliver to the lungs a series of chemical mixtures in order to replace the smoke provided by the normal cigarette, but without causing the damage that the latter causes to people.
What are they made of?
In the case of electronic cigarettes, their content contains an atomizer whose function is to vaporize the liquid solution present inside, usually this chemical component may contain nicotine presence in very low levels of concentration even many brands contain different flavors that make their tastes more pleasing to the palate of people.
There is an observation that we must highlight, and it is that, although its harmlessness is proven, however, the World Health Organization has not approved its use since it has not been scientifically proven, so its use is recommended with great caution on the part of the consumer.
These devices contain propylene glycol, a component that is present in representative quantities in almost all brands of these cigars. It is estimated that when abused, its use may cause throat and respiratory tract irritation in the long term.
RecommendationAs everything in life, we must try to avoid excesses. To avoid cigarette smoking, together with vaporized cigarettes, you can complement it with physical exercises or a more active life together with a balanced diet.