Cotton Bacon Prime (Wick ’N’ Vape)

Sale price3.99€

(VAT included)

Delivery on Tuesday 14th

1 package with 10 cotton strips included. Its incredible flavor has been achieved thanks to its thicker fibers that increase the absorption capacity of the liquid up to 33% more than the traditional Cotton Bacon V2. 
Its dense strips and fibers soften the taste of the liquid even in high concentrations of VG and low resistance. No pesticides, chemicals or natural oils. It is heat resistant and extremely clean, thus avoiding the annoying cotton taste.


  • 33% more absorption than traditional Cotton Bacon V2
  • Ideal for high performance RBA.
  • Neutral flavor.
  • 10 cotton strips of about 10cm long in each bag.
  • No added pesticides, chemicals, or other additives.
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